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Monday, June 22, 2020

The Plant Diaries: We've Got Mail!

We've got mail!  

Ever since our tomato plant friends, Tom & Mat O. wrote their first letter to All Peoples, we have been hoping to hear from them again.  One day, we missed them so much that we put on our masks, drove over to see them took a couple of sneaky photos.  We don't want to be helicopter parents, but gosh, they are growing up so quickly!  But never could we have guessed that they would send us this news so soon!  Here's the letter we just received:

Dear APC Friends,

We are bursting with excitement to share our big news – WE’RE EXPECTING! We’ve included a picture so you can see the beginnings of our little babies. They’re just little blossoms now, but it won’t be long before they are strong and robust tomatoes.


We really hadn’t planned on starting our family so soon, but there were a few days when we drank in a little too much sun. That and the healthy, organic soil we’re living in  made us decide there was really no reason to wait. And we’re not the only ones. Our neighbors in the pots on either side of us are also looking forward to the arrival of their red little bundles of juiciness.


Our friends, the Radishes, advise us to enjoy every moment, because these kids grow up so fast. A whole bunch of their children left to start their careers filling empty stomachs. We’ve included their last “class” picture before they were packed into bags and took off. They’re a crunchy bunch!


That’s news for now. Until we talk again, remember to set your roots firmly in the soil and reach high in the sky!

Peace and love,

Tom & Mat O

Tom & Mat O. sent us this selfie!

Tom & Mat O. sent us this photo of their neighbors, the Radishes.

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